Su Değirmeni


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What if we say that we have a system which will pay for itself in 3 days that the cost is equivalent to the cost of two trucks of water.

Moreover, if we say that this system can be applied to tent and container cities which are in disaster areas,
Finally, if we say that we work together with Governorships, Municipalities and Local Health Authorities.

Would you like to support our project?

We call everyone who knows that access to drinkable water resources is a main human right in order to survive,

Project scope;
It includes the integration of high-volume water treatment devices which are designed to solve infrastructure and water problem was caused Kahramanmaraş centered earthquake dated 06.02.2023 which directly affected 11 cities and 15.000.00 citizens totally.

You can support us with your donations and sponsorships, and you can be supporters of our citizens in this process who are affected the earthquake disaster, because you also know that;
In this hard period, when all kinds of assistance are very valuable, it depends on your donations and sponsorships to reach people’s most basic needs.

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